Oracle Granule Size

granule is a unit of contiguous virtual memory allocated to a process.

Oracle instance

If an Oracle instance starts up, it allocates the SGA (System Global Area) in granule sized memory units. The size of these granules depends on your database version and somtimes even on the operating system port. For example, for Oracle 9i it is typically 4MB if your SGA is smaller than 128MB and 16MB if your SGA is bigger. For later releases it is typically 4MB if your SGA is smaller than 1GB and 16MB if your SGA is bigger. Issue the below query to get your instance’s exact granule size:

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sgainfo WHERE name = 'Granule Size';
NAME                                  BYTES RES
-------------------------------- ---------- ---
Granule Size                        4194304 No

The minimum SGA size is three granules, based on:

  1. One Granule for Fixed SGA (includes redo buffers)
  2. One Granule for Buffer Cache
  3. One Granule for the Shared Pool

The maximum SGA size is determined by the sga_max_size parameter.

SQL> show parameter sga_max_size;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
———————————— ———– ——————————
sga_max_size                         big integer 328M

SQL> show parameter sga_max_size;

NAME                                               TYPE        VALUE

———————————— ———– ——————————

sga_max_size                              big integer 328M

Note that Oracle will always round-up memory values to the next granule size. The Buffer Cache, Shared Pool, Large Pool and Java Pool, to name a few, can only grow or shrink based on granule boundaries.

评论 (2)

  • Glinda Marlett| 2010年6月28日


  • Rix Chan| 2014年3月24日

    英文太差,没太看懂……只看懂分配内存大小是以granule size为单位进行分配。

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