Multiplexing Oracle Control File

1 Multiplexing the control file when using SPFILE Firstly, Obtain the information of your control file SQL> select * from v$controlfile;

  /u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/helen/control02.ctl NO 16384 430

also you can issue this command show parameter control_files to get the information of your control file. Secondly, Make sure that your server is using the SPFILE SQL> show parameter spfile; Aafter this command is executed,we should get some value like this

spfile string /u01/app/oracle/dbs/spfilehelen.ora

if there is no result returned (a truly result for the VALUE column in the above table),it means that your server is now using a PFILE. 😆  How to Multiplexing Control File when using PFILE ? We will describe it soon . Now,we will multiplex the Control File: ① Alter the SPFILE

SQL> alter system set control_files= '/u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl','/u01/oradata/helen/control02.ctl','/u01/oradata/control03.ctl' scope=spfile;

SQL> alter system set control_files='/u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl', '/u01/oradata/helen/control02.ctl', '/u01/oradata/control03.ctl' scope=spfile; System altered. ②  Shutdown the database SQL> shutdown immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. ③  Create the additional Control File [oracle@Linux10g ~]$ cp /u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl /u01/oradata/control03.ctl ④  Startup the database SQL> startup; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area  343932928 bytes Fixed Size                  1219328 bytes Variable Size              79693056 bytes Database Buffers          260046848 bytes Redo Buffers                2973696 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. ⑤ Identifying our Control File again SQL> select * from v$controlfile;

  /u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/helen/control02.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/control03.ctl NO 16384 430

NOw,we have multiplexed the Control File When using SPFILE. 2 Multiplexing the control file when using PFILE First of all, you should to know if your server is now using a PFILE ?

SQL> show parameter spfile; At here,we can get the conclusion that the server is now using a PFILE,cause the result of the value column is null.
spfile string  
Maybe you are confused about the result of the above SQL command,but in fact it's true.Next,
①  Shutdown the database.
②  Create Control Files at the target directory where you want multiplex and give the corrent names.
[oracle@Linux10g ~]$ cp /u01/oradata/helen/control03.ctl /u01/oradata/control04.ctl
③  Modify the PFILE ,to make it includes the Control Files which we have created just now.
Before we change the PFILE,it maybe looks like:
But after we've modified the file,it as :
④   startup the database
SQL> startup pfile='/u01/app/oracle/dbs/pfilehelen.ora';
⑤ Identifying our Control File again,to see if  it works correctly. SQL> select * from v$controlfile;

  /u01/oradata/helen/control01.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/helen/control02.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/control03.ctl NO 16384 430
  /u01/oradata/control04.ctl NO 16384 430
Yep,It's great.We can multiplex Oracle Control File weather the server is used a SPFILE or a PFILE.

The Google Chrome shortcut

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Introduce the Oracle Control File

Control File

The control file is a small binary file necessary for the database to start and operate successfully. Each control file is associated with only one Oracle database. Before a database is opened, the control file is read to determine whether the database is in a valid state to use. A control file is updated continuously by the Oracle server during database use, so it must be available for writing whenever the database is open. The information in the control file can be modified only by the Oracle server; no database administrator or end user can edit the control file. If for some reason the control file is not accessible, the database does not function properly. If all copies of a database’s control files are lost, the database must be recovered before it can be opened.

Contents of the Control file

A control file contains the following entries: • Database name and identifier • Timestamp of database creation • Tablespace names • Names and locations of data files and online redo log files • Current online redo log file sequence number • Checkpoint information • Begin and end of undo segments • Redo log archive information • Backup information

A control file contains the following entries:
• Database name and identifier
• Time stamp of database creation
• Tablespace names
• Names and locations of data files and onli
log files
• Current online redo log file sequence num
• Checkpoint information
• Begin and end of undo segments
• Redo log archive information
• Backup information




How to backup the Oracle Control File?

How to backup the Oracle Control File ?

There are two approaches: you either generate a binary image of the Control File, or you generate a text file script which will re-generate a Control File when run as a SQL script.

To create the binary image, issue the command ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO ‘C:\SOMEWHERE\CONTROL01.BKP’; (obviously pick a destination and file name that are suitable for your needs).

To create the text script version, issue the command ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE. That causes a file to be written to wherever your init.ora parameter USER_DUMP_DEST is pointing. The file name will be something like ‘ora_<some numbers>.trc’. You’ll have to track it down using the O/S date and timestamp (or you can take advantage of the fact that the “some numbers” bit is your Server Process ID Number -which you can determine from v$session and v$process).
The binary image is ready to work from the word go (with one hugely important proviso, of which more below).

The trace file is, however, a bit of a mess, and needs to be knocked into shape if it is to be of any use in a recovery situation. Firstly, it contains a whole heap of junk at the top (referencing your O/S, your Oracle version, dates and times and process or thread numbers). That’s got to go -which means deleting all of it, until the first line reads STARTUP NOMOUNT. Immediately before that line, you need a connect string, since you can’t ever issue the ‘startup’ command until you’ve connected as a Privileged User. Insert something appropriate, therefore (such as CONNECT / AS SYSDBA if using O/S authentication, or CONNECT SYS/ORACLE AS SYSDBA if using Password File Authentication). You may possibly also need to qualify the ‘STARTUP NOMOUNT’ line itself so that it references an appropriate init.ora (for example, STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE=/SOMEWHERE/NON-DEFAULT/INIT.ORA). Other than that, the file is fine, and useable.

Under no circumstances should you ever need a backup of your Control File, of either type. You’d only use one if ALL copies of the Control File had become corrupt or had been destroyed (and the whole purpose of multiplexing your Control Files is to minimise those possibilities). But if that fateful day ever arrives, then you simply need to fire up Server Manager (or SQL Plus if using 8i or above), and issuing the command to run the trace file script (i.e., typing @name_of_script.ext). There’s no need to connect first -remember, that was the first line we added to the script earlier. If for some reason the Instance is already running, the script will fail -it needs a completely shut down system before it can do its stuff.

The trouble starts when you attempt to restore the binary version of the Control File backup. Because it was an exact, binary copy of a Control File, its SCN number will not agree with the SCN in the headers of all the data files -basically, the Master Clock is out of whack. You therefore have to issue the command “RECOVER DATABASE USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE;” to tell the system not to pay too much attention to the SCN of the Control File. Unfortunately, after you issue that command (and following any recovery that it might cause to take place), you must open the database with the command “ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS;”.

That’s unfortunate, because the ‘resetlogs’ command basically forces the entire database to re-synchronise at time zero, which is fine for getting the database open, but is not exactly useful if you ever need to restore from your prior backups (taken when the database was at a time of, say, 10894329), or if you ever expect to be able to apply redo from priot archive logs (which were also taken when the database was at time 10894329 and earlier). Basically, a ‘resetlogs’ renders your database entirely vulnerable: there are no effective backups, and no effective archives. You are therefore supposed to immediately shut the newly-recovered database down, and perform a whole, closed backup of the entire database (which is not exactly a cheap option).

You might wonder why the use of the trace file does not cause this HUGE problem.  The answer is simple: it cheats. Contained within the trace file are locations of every data file in the system. When the file is run, it uses those locations to read the headers of all the data files, whereupon it picks the highest SCN it comes across as the one to write into the header of the Control File it is about to create. That means the re-constructed Control File is already in synchronisation with the data files, and no forced synchronisation to time Zero is therefore required.

So, what’s the best way of backing up the Control File? Answer: multiplex your Control Files so that a recovery is never needed in the first place. But if, despite that, you need some insurance, the Trace File is definitely the better way to go.  It doesn’t render your entire database exposed to failure, it doesn’t effectively trash all prior backups and archives, it works quickly, and well.

There’s only one proviso to this whole discussion: whatever backup method you choose, you need to keep it up-to-date.  Since the Control File contains pointers to the physical location of all data files and redo logs, any backup of that file needs to make sure that those pointers are accurate. Making a physical change to your database (for example, adding a new data file or tablespace, dropping a tablespace, moving or renaming a data file) will instantly render all prior Control File backups out-of-date.  Slightly unnervingly, changing a tablespace from read-write to read-only (or vice versa) also counts as a physical change to your database (because the Control File must always accurately identify any read-only data files).  After any of those operations, therefore, you need to take a fresh backup of the Control File.

It is always conceivable that you could edit a Trace File backup before using it to take account of any physical changes, but the syntax is not easy, and I don’t rate your chances of pulling it off. As for editing the binary copy -forget it!  Net result: keep taking the backups on a regular basis.  I usually recommend a chron job (for our NT friends, that’s an AT job!) which issues the ‘backup to trace’ command every night. It means you need a bit of house-keeping to avoid complete mayhem (and a million trace files) in the user_dump_dest, but it will guarantee a file which, at worst, can be used with the mere addition of a line or two to reference any data files created between the time the trace file was created and the time all Control Files went awol.

Note:How to backup the control file to trace ?

1.SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace;
Database altered.
2.SQL>show parameter USER_DUMP_DEST;
3.SQL>select spid from v$process p,v$session s
where p.addr=s.paddr
and s.status=’ACTIVE’
and s.username=’SYS’

4.Then goto the USER_DUMP_DEST directory (we get it on step 2),view the file named  ora_<SID>_<spid>.trc .It’s contents are what we needed.After modified the file,we can use it to recreate a new controlfile.



USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS describes modifications to all tables owned by the
current user that have been modified since the last time statistics were gathered on the

USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS describes modifications to all tables owned by the current user that have been modified since the last time statistics were gathered on the tables. 使用User_tab_modifications来获取数据表的DML过程: 1,SQL> select * from USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; no rows selected 2,  SQL>insert into test values(1,'Asher'); one row inserted 3, SQL>select * from USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; no rows selected Why? just waiting for a moment,or after I've executed the procedure【dbms_stats.flush_database_monitoring_info()】,we will get the expected result. 4, SQL> exec dbms_stats.flush_database_monitoring_info(); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 5,SQL> select * from USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; The correct result will appears.

史上最伟大的12款软件排名 DB2名列第二

美国《信息周刊》日前刊文评出了有史以来最伟大的12款软件。结果,Unix操作系统脱颖而出,排名首位。   据榜单显示,继Unix之后,Java语言排名第五;苹果Macintosh系统位居第八,而微软的Excel电子表格和Google搜索分别列居第九和第十一位。   有趣的是,1988年11月2日爆发的Morris蠕虫也榜上有名。当时,几天之内就有6000多台互联网服务器被感染而瘫痪,造成的经济损失超过一千万美元。   以下为有史以来最伟大12款软件排名:   1. Unix操作系统   2. IBM System R-1983年以DB2的形式进入商业市场   3.基因排序软件-美国基因组研究所(IGR)   4. IBM System 360系统   5. Java语言   6. Mosaic浏览器-第一款图形界面浏览器   7. Sabre系统-美国航空公司的信息查询系统   8.苹果Macintosh系统   9.微软Excel电子表格   10.阿波罗宇宙飞船导航系统   11.Google搜索排名   12.Morris蠕虫-造成的经济损失超过1000万美元 —– Original From:

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Yeah,as the title described.After several hours configuring(though it is simple,i am an newbie *^__^*  ),I established this site.And now i will log all my notes about exploring and studying Oracle,to share it with all my deer audience. By the way,  thanks to my friend Jia guoqing,without his generous help,I cann't write any words here.He efford the host to me free,Many thanks to you.